Sexuality Education

Trump administration announces new rule, greenlighting discrimination against patients

For Immediate Release
May 3, 2019

Contact: Zach Eisenstein
Phone: (202) 265-2405 ext 3330

(Washington, DC) – Yesterday, the Trump administration finalized its health care discrimination rule, giving providers a broad license to discriminate against their own patients. Samantha Dercher, SIECUS’ Federal Policy Director, released the following statement in response:

“This rule disproportionately hurts individuals seeking sexual and reproductive health services, LGBTQ folks, people living with HIV, and young people. This decision ignores the overwhelming public opposition to the rule, and undermines the basic human right to access necessary and legal health services.

While the administration may claim the rule as a victory for religious freedom, there is no Constitutional right to use religion as a cudgel to destroy the rights and health of other people. Religious freedom is not a pass for overt discrimination – especially in the life-saving field of health care.

This harmful rule gives anyone involved in patient care the power to put their own personal beliefs ahead of their patients’ health. And we know that this rule specifically targets the LGBTQ community and those seeking safe and legal abortion.

Young people already face challenges to accessing the sexual health education, information, and services that they need. This is yet another roadblock in the path between young people and their freedom to live full and healthy lives. We will continue fighting against discriminatory rules like these to ensure that all people—no matter their identity or experiences—are able to receive the care that they need to lead healthy lives.”


The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) has served as the national voice for sex education, sexual health, and sexual rights for over 50 years. SIECUS asserts that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the rights of all people to accurate information, comprehensive sexuality education, and the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice inclusive of sexual and reproductive rights.