Trump admin rules to strip millions of contraceptive coverage, cites ‘moral’ and ‘religious’ objections
For Immediate Release
November 8, 2018
Contact: Zach Eisenstein
Phone: (202) 265-2405 ext 3330
Yesterday, the Trump administration finalized two rules to eliminate contraceptive care for millions of people across the United States in the name of “religious or moral objections.” Samantha Dercher, SIECUS Federal Policy Director, released the following statement in response:
“These rules, which will go into effect in just over two months, are yet another example of extreme government overreach into our most personal health care decisions. They allow virtually any employer
to stop providing their employees with insurance coverage for contraception—simply by claiming that providing such coverage goes against their ‘morals.’
Prior to these rules, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) already contained exemptions for religious entities opposed to providing birth control and other contraceptives for employees. Yesterday’s announcement will expand those exemptions exponentially and unnecessarily.
This administration has, again, allowed right-wing religious extremists to rewrite their policies—threatening the health and well-being of more than 60 million women and an unknown number of transgender and nonbinary people who rely on the ACA’s ‘no copay’ birth control mandate.
This has little to do with religious freedom and everything to do with appeasing a small but vocal group of people who vehemently oppose sexual and reproductive health and rights. These are the same people who oppose the right to access safe and legal abortion. If they truly wanted to see a decrease in the number of abortions occurring in this country, they would advocate for the common-sense approach of increasing access to contraception.
Luckily, Americans spent this week overwhelmingly electing leaders who support advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in this country. SIECUS looks forward to working with these new leaders
as we continue to hold the Trump administration accountable for its endless attacks on the health and rights of all people—and especially young people—in the U.S.”
The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) has served as the national voice for sex education, sexual health, and sexual rights for over 50 years. SIECUS asserts that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the rights of all people to accurate information, comprehensive sexuality education, and the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice inclusive of sexual and reproductive rights.
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