Year 2021

Louisiana State Profile

Louisiana’s Sex Education Snapshot Louisiana has experienced a surge of regressive action intended to limit access to reproductive health care, most notably culminating in the Supreme Court case June Medical Services v. Gee. The case could effectively eliminate abortion statewide,…

Delaware State Profile

Delaware’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have worked tirelessly over the past nine years to advance sex education in Delaware, most recently cumulating in the passage of Senate Bill 78. Sponsored by Senator Nicole Poole and Senator Stephanie Hansen, the legislation…

Mississippi State Profile

Mississippi’s Sex Education Snapshot Sex education advocates have endured a prolonged struggle to advance sex education requirements in Mississippi, most recently cumulating in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to pass House Bill 1347, sponsored by Representative Jeramey Anderson and Representative Kathy…

District of Columbia State Profile

District of Columbia’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have seen tremendous progress over the past decade toward advancing sex education requirements in the District of Columbia. In 2010, Councilwoman Mary Cheh championed the successful DC Healthy Schools Act, which increased the…

Montana State Profile

Montana’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have focused on working at the local level to advance sex education in Montana over the past decade despite efforts to restrict young people’s access to sex education and reproductive health services. The most recent…

Georgia State Profile

Georgia’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have diligently pushed for a series of actions to advance sex education in Georgia at both state and local levels over the past decade. Georgia’s health standards are currently undergoing review, providing advocates with an…

Nebraska State Profile

Nebraska’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have made multiple efforts over the past seven years to advance sex education in Nebraska, including both successful local efforts and unsuccessful statewide efforts. Most recently, the Nebraska Department of Education revised their Nondiscrimination and…

Maine State Profile

Maine’s Sex Education Snapshot There have been incremental advancements in sex education in Maine over the past three years, signifying a slow but steady effort to make curriculum more comprehensive statewide. In 2017, the state passed Legislative Directive 1180, requiring…

Maryland State Profile

Maryland’s Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have worked diligently over the past four years to further advance sex education in Maryland. In 2018, Delegate Ariana Kelly championed House Bill 251, with the support of her teenage daughter, after repeatedly introducing the…

Massachusetts State Profile

Massachusetts’ Sex Education Snapshot Advocates in Massachusetts have worked tirelessly to advance the Healthy Youth Act. First introduced in 2011, the Healthy Youth Act would ensure youth receive research-based, medically accurate, and culturally competent sex education in districts that require sex…

Michigan State Profile

Michigan’s Sex Education Snapshot Michigan advocates have worked tirelessly to advance sex education. Their most recent efforts culminated in the introduction of Senate Bill 270, introduced by Senator Curtis Hertel in 2019. Although unsuccessful, the bill sought to mandate sex…

Kansas State Profile

Kansas’ Sex Education Snapshot Advocates have faced an uphill battle to advance sex education in Kansas over the past six years in an apparent backlash to a 2007 effort to advance instruction requirements. In 2007, the Kansas School Board of…