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SIECUS Releases Fiscal Year 2013 Edition of the State Profiles!

We are excited to release the most recent edition of our publication, SIECUS State Profiles: A Portrait of Sexuality Education and Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs in the States, Fiscal Year 2013 Edition. SIECUS has “followed the money” throughout eleven fiscal years (FY) to provide educators, advocates, and policymakers with an annual snapshot of how federal funding is impacting sexuality education across the country. The Profiles also look at laws and policies that determine how schools approach sexuality education. Each state profile is accompanied by a State Profile At A Glance, which provides a snapshot view of adolescent sexual health education policies, data, and federal funding for each state.

SIECUS believes that the information included in this latest edition of the State Profiles will help advocates learn from each other, understand best practices, recognize successful models, and ultimately strengthen both policies and programs in their states and communities with an eye toward expanding comprehensive sexuality education to all students.

We hope that you find this publication both informative and inspiring.

Visit to access the SIECUS State Profiles: A Portrait of Sexuality Education and Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs in the States, Fiscal Year 2013 Edition.


Please contact Kelsey Van Nice at with any questions or for more information.