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SIECUS HHS Evidence-Based List Program List Descriptions
17 Days (formerly What Could You Do?) is an evidence-based STD risk-reduction program designed as a one-on-one intervention for female high school students. 17 Days can be used in a physician’s office or clinic setting and could potentially be used in other settings, such as schools, as long as there was enough privacy.
Aban Aya Youth Project is an evidence-based social development program designed for African American youth in grades 5-8. The curriculum is designed to be implemented over the course of four years and draws upon African American cultural values and uses culturally based teaching methods.
All4You! is an evidence-based pregnancy-, STD-, and HIV-prevention program designed for students ages 14–18 attending alternative high schools. It is adapted from two existing evidence-based programs, Be Proud! Be Responsible! and Safer Choices, and is a 14-session classroom curriculum.
Assisting in Rehabilitating Kids (ARK) is a small group, 12-session intervention based on the evidence-based program Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART). It was designed to be implemented over a period of 28 days for small groups of substance-dependent adolescents.
Be Proud! Be Responsible! is an evidence-based HIV-prevention curriculum originally designed for urban, African-American males ages 13–18. Although the 6-session intervention was originally designed for use with small groups up to 12 participants, the curriculum has been used with larger groups and is appropriate for both school- and community-based settings.
Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective! is an evidence-based program that targets pregnant and parenting teens, adapted from the Be Proud! Be Responsible! curriculum. The intervention can be delivered in 4 two-hour sessions or over the course of eight days and is appropriate for use in school-based settings.
Becoming a Responsible Teen (BART) is an evidence-based HIV/AIDS-prevention education curriculum designed for African-American youth ages 14–18.The 8-session curriculum is designed for implementation in community-based settings and with single-sex groups.
Children’s Aid Society (CAS)-Carrera Program is an evidence-based positive youth development program designed for students in grades 6–12. The program consists of seven integrated components that can be delivered in an after- or in-school setting over the course of a year.
¡Cuídate! is an evidence-based HIV-prevention curriculum adapted from the evidence-based curriculum, Be Proud! Be Responsible!, and tailored for use with Latino youth ages 13–18. The intervention consists of 6 one-hour lessons and is designed for use with small, mixed-gender groups.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line is an evidence-based program designed to teach youth in grades 6-8. The school-based curriculum consists of 19 sessions divided amongst the grades, and although it is designed for use in the classroom, the program may also be delivered in a community-based setting.
Families Talking Together is a parent-based intervention targeting Latino and African American Adolescents ages 11–14. The program can be delivered to parents either individually or in small group sessions, in a range of settings.
FOCUS is an evidence-based intervention designed for use with young women ages 17–22 in school- or community-based settings, including clinics. It consists of 4 two-hour sessions.
Health Improvement Project for Teens (HIP Teens) is a risk-reduction intervention designed for low-income, urban, sexually active adolescent girls. The 4-session curriculum is designed to be implemented weekly to small groups.
Heritage Keepers Abstinence Education is an abstinence-only-until-marriage program that relies on messages of fear and shame and promotes biased views of gender, marriage, and pregnancy options.
HORIZONS is an STD- and HIV-prevention program designed African American females age 15–21 seeking sexual health services in clinical settings. It is designed to be implemented in small groups through two 4-hour sessions, implemented on two consecutive Saturdays.
It’s Your Game: Keep It Real (IYG) is an evidence-based HIV-, STD-, and pregnancy-prevention curriculum designed for students in grades 7-8.The curriculum consists of 24 classroom-based lessons.
Making a Difference! is an evidence-based pregnancy-, STD-, and HIV-prevention education curriculum adapted from the evidence-based curricula, Be Proud! Be Responsible! and Making a Difference! that emphasizes abstinence from sexual activity. The eight-module curriculum is designed for use with adolescents ages 11–13 and can be implemented in school- or community-based settings.
Making Proud Choices! is an evidence-based STD-, HIV-, and pregnancy-prevention curriculum designed for use with adolescents ages 11–13. The program consists of eight 1-hour sessions and can be implemented in school- or community-based settings.
Project AIM (Adult Identity Mentoring) is an evidence-based youth development program designed for use with African-American youth ages 11–14 and is also appropriate for use with Latino youth. Although it is a school-based program, it can also be implemented in community-based settings.
Project IMAGE is a cognitive behavioral intervention adapted from the Project SAFE intervention that was developed for African American and Latina girls ages 14–18. It is designed for use with adolescents with a history of STDs and abuse.
Project TALC is an intervention designed to provide coping skills to parents living with HIV and their adolescent children. It includes 24 sessions spaced out over a period of 12 Saturdays, offered over a period of four to six years, in local community centers.
Promoting Health Among Teens! Abstinence-Only Intervention is an evidence-based curriculum originally intended for use with urban, African American youth in small groups, however, the intervention can be adapted for use with larger groups and those in rural settings. The curriculum is designed as eight 1-hour modules appropriate for use in both school- and community-based settings.
Promoting Health Among Teens! Comprehensive Abstinence and Safer Sex Intervention is an evidence-based curriculum was designed to be used with small groups of adolescents in urban areas, but can be adapted to be used with larger numbers groups in rural areas. The curriculum is divided into twelve 1-hour modules and appropriate for both school- and community-based settings.
Raising Healthy Children (formerly known as the Seattle Social Development Project) is an evidence-based youth development program designed as a multiyear school-based program for students in grades 1–6.
Reducing the Risk is an evidence-based pregnancy-, STD-, and HIV-prevention curriculum designed for classroom use with students in grades 9–10. The 16-lesson curriculum is appropriate for use with multiethnic populations.
Respeto/Proteger is a community-based, six-session, 12-hour HIV-prevention program for young Latino parents with children who are at least three months of age. The program is delivered to small groups of couples in community- and clinic-based settings.
Rikers Health Advocacy Program (RHAP) is an evidence-based HIV/AIDS-prevention education program designed for high-risk youth, particularly those who are incarcerated and have issues with substance abuse. The intervention was originally designed for adolescent males ages 16–19 at Rikers Island correctional facility and consists of four 1-hour sessions facilitated twice a week over a two-week time period.
Safer Choices is an evidence-based HIV-, STD-, and pregnancy-prevention program designed for students in grades 9–10. It is a 20-session classroom-based curriculum.
Safer Sex is a clinic-based intervention designed to be delivered to female adolescents in a one-on-one setting.
SHARP is an evidence-based program designed as a 3-hour, one-time intervention for high-risk adolescents in juvenile detention centers. The program is administered to a small group of same-sex participants.
SiHLE is an evidence-based HIV- and STD-prevention education program designed for African American females ages 14–18 who are sexually active and at high risk for HIV. The program consists of four 4-hour sessions that are delivered on consecutive Saturdays in a community-based setting.
Sisters Saving Sisters is an evidence-based risk-reduction program designed for Latina and African American female adolescent populations. It is administered in small groups of 2–10 female adolescents in one 4.5 hour session in a community-based clinic setting.
STRIVE is a 5-session family-based intervention targeting youth who have recently run away from home, and requires the participation from both the adolescent and at least one parent. It is designed to be implemented on a weekly basis to each family either in a community setting or in the family’s home.
Teen Health Project is a community-level, HIV risk-reduction program designed for young people ages 12–17 living in low-income housing developments. The initial component of the program consists of two 3-hour workshops and a 90-minute parent component.
Teen Outreach Program (TOP)is an evidence-based youth development program designed for youth ages 12–17. It is implemented over the course of nine months as an in-school, after-school, or community-based program.
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