General Articles

National HIV Organizations Call on Presidential Candidates to Address HIV/AIDS Issues

"AIDS in America" effort to renew attention to domestic HIV/AIDS

October 15, 2007 Washington DC — The leaders of national HIV/AIDS organizations are coordinating efforts to focus renewed attention to HIV/AIDS issues in the United States. They have contacted the presidential candidates of both parties regarding important issues related to the AIDS epidemic in America that they would like to discuss with the candidates, and supplied a statement that they collectively developed to all presidential campaigns. Together, as leaders of national AIDS organizations, they advocate on behalf of people living with HIV/AIDS, their families and caregivers and their providers of medical care, social services, housing, nutrition, and support services. They also advocate for advances in research and prevention. 

According to the statement, "One of our overarching concerns is the lack of emphasis on domestic HIV/AIDS in the media, among elected officials, and the general public in recent years. While we value the emphasis on our nation’s contributions toward addressing HIV/AIDS in the developing world, we also believe that a focus on the domestic epidemic is critical. Without such a focus, we will not effectively address the epidemic’s prevention, healthcare access, and research issues in our own nation.  We want to work with all presidential campaigns to raise awareness about the domestic epidemic, provide information and data, and discuss how HIV/AIDS will be addressed in healthcare reform proposals."  The statement of key HIV/AIDS issues is attached, along with a media contact from each national HIV organization involved in this effort.

 The organizations participating in this effort are: AIDS Action, AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families, The AIDS Institute, the American Academy of HIV Medicine, amfAR, the Foundation for AIDS Research, the Association of Nutrition Services Agencies, the CAEAR Coalition, the HIV Medicine Association, the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors, the National Association of People with AIDS, the National Minority AIDS Council, the National AIDS Housing Coalition, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, and the Title II Community AIDS National Network.


Media Contact List
National HIV Organizations participating in “AIDS in America”

AIDS Action
Diego Sanchez, (617) 450-1524, cell 617-835-1455,

Founded in 1984, AIDS Action is a national non-profit organization, based in Washington, D.C., dedicated to the development, analysis, cultivation and encouragement of sound public policies, programs and funding in response to the HIV epidemic.  AIDS Action’s mission is to advocate on a national level for people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS and the organizations that serve them…until it’s over.  AIDS Action achieves its mission through the development of public policies, dissemination of information and the building and use of advocacy on behalf of all those living with and affected by HIV.

AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families
Diana Bruce, Director of Policy and Government Affairs,,
202-785-3564 x 25.

AIDS Alliance for Children, Youth & Families is a national non-profit membership organization. We were established in 1994 to give voice to the needs of women, children, youth, and families living with and affected by HIV and AIDS. AIDS Alliance members are the health care providers, researchers, administrators, and consumers living with HIV and AIDS — including HIV-positive youth — who are the backbone of local HIV/AIDS care and prevention for women, children, youth, and families. Our founding members were the network of Ryan White CARE Act Title IV care providers and consumers. Today, our membership has grown to include HIV prevention providers and others serving women, children, youth, and families living with and at high-risk for HIV and AIDS.

AIDS Alliance:

  • creates and shares information about programs that work for women, youth, children, and families affected by HIV and AIDS
  • provides a forum for consumers and care providers to build more effective partnerships
  • advocates for public policies that benefit women, youth, children, and families affected by HIV and AIDS while preventing new HIV infections and searching for a real cure.

 The AIDS Institute
Gene Copello, Executive Director:, (202) 835-8373.
Carl Schmid, Director of Federal Affairs:, (202) 669-8267.

The AIDS Institute is a national nonprofit and nonpartisan organization with the mission of promoting action for social change through public policy research, evidence-based advocacy, and education. Areas of focus include HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, and such broader issues as healthcare access and reform.

American Academy of HIV Medicine
Brian Hujdich, Deputy Executive Director,, 202-659-0699;
The American Academy of HIV Medicine is an independent organization of AAHIVM HIV Specialists™ and other HIV treaters dedicated to advancing excellence in HIV/AIDS care. Through advocacy and education, AAHIVM is committed to supporting HIV clinicians and to ensuring better care of those living with HIV disease. AAHIVM is the only U.S. medical organization serving a membership of MDs, DOs, NPs and PAs, and providing all members the opportunity to credential as HIV Specialists™.

amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research
Monica S. Ruiz, Ph.D., MPH, Acting Director, Public Policy, (202) 331-8600,

amfAR, The Foundation for AIDS Research, is one of the world’s leading nonprofit organizations dedicated to the support of AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education, and the advocacy of sound AIDS-related public policy.  Founded in 1985, amfAR is dedicated to ending the global AIDS epidemic through innovative research. With the freedom and flexibility to respond quickly to emerging areas of scientific promise, amfAR plays a catalytic role in accelerating the pace of HIV/AIDS research and achieving real breakthroughs. amfAR-funded research has increased our understanding of HIV and has helped lay the groundwork for major advances in the study and treatment of HIV/AIDS. Since 1985, amfAR has invested nearly $250 million in its mission and has awarded grants to more than 2,000 research teams worldwide.

Association of Nutrition Services Agencies
Frank Abdale, Executive Director, 202-737-1011, ext. 10,,

The Association of Nutrition Services Agencies is a leading international association of food and nutrition services providers.  We promote the role of medically appropriate nutrition for critically ill people by strengthening the capacity of our members, advocating for public policies that promote the impact of good nutrition on health, and expanding resources for the field.

CAEAR Coalition
Christopher Brown, 202-332-2303,

CAEAR Coalition is a national membership organization which advocates for federal appropriations, legislation, policy and regulations to meet the care, treatment, support service and prevention needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and the organizations that serve them. CAEAR Coalition’s proactive national leadership is focused on the Ryan White legislation as a central part of the nation’s response to HIV/AIDS.

HIV Medicine Association
Christine Lubinski, Executive Director, 703-299- 5027,

The HIV Medicine Association represents more than 3400 physicians, scientists and other medical professionals dedicated to the field of HIV/AIDS.  We represent the interests of our patients by promoting quality in HIV care and by advocating policies that ensure a comprehensive and humane response to the AIDS pandemic informed by science and social justice.

National Association of People with AIDS
Takirra Winfield,, (240)247-1025.

Founded in 1983, NAPWA-US is the oldest coalition of people living with HIV/AIDS in the world as well as the oldest AIDS organization in the United States. As a voice for the one million plus people living with HIV/AIDS, NAPWA advocates for access to care and treatment, encourages awareness and education about HIV/AIDS, and mobilizes diverse communities through training and capacity building. 

National AIDS Housing Coalition
Nancy Bernstine, (202)347-0333,

The National AIDS Housing Coalition, Inc. (NAHC), is a 501(c)(3) organization formed in 1994 to assert the fundamental right of all persons living with HIV/AIDS to decent, safe, affordable housing and supportive services that are responsive and appropriate to their self-determined needs.  NAHC’s purpose is to ensure that the diverse voices of those infected and affected by HIV are heard and their needs are met.  Since its formation, NAHC has worked to advance the creation, development, management and growth of housing programs for people living with HIV/AIDS across the United States.  Coalition members work collectively and collaboratively with each other and with other local and national organizations to meet the housing needs of HIV-infected individuals and their families of choice across the nation.  NAHC is financed by member dues, foundation grants, and individual donations, and receives no government funding.

National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors
Julie Scofield, (202) 434-8091,,

NASTAD represents the nation’s chief state health agency staff who have programmatic responsibility to administer HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis health care, prevention, education, and supportive service programs funded by state and federal governments.  NASTAD represents HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis program directors in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and U.S. Pacific Islands.  Programs administered by NASTAD members serve every population affected by and infected with HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis in the U.S. 

National Minority AIDS Council
Circe J. Gray Le Compte, Director of Communications, (202) 234-5120 ext. 309,

The National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) was founded in 1987 to develop leadership within communities of color to address challenges of HIV/AIDS. NMAC has responded to the needs of communities of color by developing programs enhancing the skills necessary to confront this health crisis, including a public policy education program; national and regional training conferences; treatment and research programs and trainings; numerous publications and a website: The agency also serves an association of AIDS service organizations, F/CBOs, hospitals, clinics, health departments and other groups assisting people and families living with and affected by the AIDS epidemic. NMAC’s advocacy efforts are funded through private funders and donors only.

Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
Patrick Malone, 212-819-9770 Ext 316,

SIECUS affirms that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one that is worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the right of all people to accurate information, comprehensive education about sexuality, and sexual health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice and sexual rights.

TII CANN – Title II Community AIDS National Network
William E. Arnold, (202) 588-1775,,

The Title II Community AIDS National Network is a national leader in education, advocacy, and collaboration to achieve equitable access to a comprehensive and accountable system of care and services, creating a voice for all people living with HIV/AIDS, their families, and their communities.  TII CANN is a founder of the highly successful ADAP Working Group, a unique consortium of pharmaceutical companies and AIDS organizations that advocate for substantial resources for state AIDS Drug Assistance Programs. Nationally, ADAPs pay for life-saving medications for Americans living with HIV/AIDS.

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