Sexuality Education

Missouri’s last abortion clinic faces potential closure, banning procedure in the state

For Immediate Release
May 29, 2019

Contact: Zach Eisenstein
Phone: (202) 265-2405 ext 3330

(Washington, DC) – Missouri could soon become the first state in the country without a health facility that provides safe and legal abortion care since Roe v. Wade established the constitutional right to privacy, protecting a pregnant person’s health care decisions.

Yesterday, Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Reproductive Health Services of Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region announced that they expect the state health department to refuse to renew the license for Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis health center—the last remaining abortion provider in the state.

“Last week, we saw the Missouri state legislature pass an extreme abortion ban into law. It criminalizes abortion after eight weeks—before most people even know they are pregnant,” said Jennifer Driver, SIECUS State Policy Director. “And now, they are moving quickly to take things further. We are seeing anti-abortion extremists weaponize a medical facility’s licensing process to advance a political agenda. This decision completely ignores the health and needs of Missourians.”

Planned Parenthood filed a lawsuit yesterday in an effort to prevent the clinic from losing its license on June 1. A hearing is scheduled for later this afternoon at 1:30 pm (central time).

“At SIECUS, we are committed to providing all people—and especially young people—with the comprehensive information, education, and care they need to ensure their own sexual and reproductive health. And that absolutely must include access to safe and legal abortion,” Driver said. “These abortion bans will not stop abortion. History tells us that, despite restrictions, the most privileged will still find a way to receive abortion care. But the most vulnerable, including people of color, trans folks, and young people in this country, will be forced to make unnecessarily dangerous decisions. We will not stand for this.”

To take action to protect the right to safe and legal abortion in Missouri and across the country, join the rally in St. Louis on May 30th, sign Planned Parenthood’s “No abortion bans, PERIOD.” petition, and engage in conversations on social media by following #StopTheBans and #EmergencyResponse.


The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) has served as the national voice for sex education, sexual health, and sexual rights for over 50 years. SIECUS asserts that sexuality is a fundamental part of being human, one worthy of dignity and respect. We advocate for the rights of all people to accurate information, comprehensive sexuality education, and the full spectrum of sexual and reproductive health services. SIECUS works to create a world that ensures social justice inclusive of sexual and reproductive rights.