Mexican Politician: Sex Education Necessary to Defeat the Restrictive Moral Conditioning of Children
Matthew Cullinan Hoffman,
MEXICO CITY, March 9, 2009 ( – A Mexico City assemblywoman says that that sex education programs are necessary to "defeat" the "restrictive moral conditioning" of students.
Rebeca Parada, a Deputy in the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City, made her comments before a group of sex educators at the "Sex with Education Forum," organized by the Assembly held last week in the nation’s Federal District.
"The absence of specific, permanent programs for divulging information on sexuality, constitutes the principle obstacle preventing us from continuing to advance," Parada told the group. "We should defeat, with the participation of everyone, social prejudices, restrictive moral conditioning, and inadequate education on these topics."
Parada has complained about what she perceives as a lack of sufficient funding and implementation of sexual education programs in Mexico City. The current program consists of distributing a book to students (Your Future in Liberty), free of charge, that teaches students how to engage in anal sex, recommends masturbation as a "healthy" practice, and claims abortion is a "human right."
Dr. Judith Reisman, who has studied sexual education programs and their origins for over 30 years, told LifeSiteNews that she’s not surprised at Parada’s blunt words. According to Reisman, the sexual education movement has sought to destroy sexual morality since the creation of the movement by Alfred Kinsey in the 1940s.
"She wants to overcome chastity, and she wants to overcome young girls and young boys trying to restrict their sexual activity until they’re married, that’s what she wants to overcome, and she will do very well if she’s teaching sex ed," said Reisman.
"She will be quite clearly promoting massive sexual promiscuity, which is what has happened every time we teach that stuff, and setting up a huge break between parents and children. While increasing the poverty level in Mexico she will be increasing the pharmaceutical industry and the sex industry."
"She’s speaking the party line," said Reisman.
Reisman said that her investigations have revealed that Kinsey’s famous research involved the sexual abuse of small children, and used data from child molesters and other practitioners of sexual perversion to "prove" that pre-pubescent sexual intercourse, sodomy, and other deviations are "natural."
According to Reisman, following the implementation of "sexual education" programs based on the ideas of Alfred Kinsey and the Kinsey Institute he founded, sexually transmitted diseases skyrocketed in number and type in the United States, increasing between 700 and 3000 percent in number in the following decades. Rape and statutory rape increased 1,500 percent in the same period.
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