Mexican bishop responds to threats: ‘I will continue preaching support of life’
Mexico City, Mexico, Apr 1, 2009 / 10:05 pm (CNA).- Bishop Florencio Olvera Ochoa of Cuernavaca in Mexico said this week that he will continue defending the right to life, despite the lawsuits and threats against him by some politicians in response to his 2009 “Decalogue of Electoral Sins.”
Bishop Olvera Ochoa was already the target of lawsuits because of the Decalogue he published during the previous election season, when he pointed out the issues that disqualify a candidate from receiving the Catholic vote: support for abortion, euthanasia, homosexual “marriage,” genetic manipulation and the denial of the right of parents to educate their children.
This year the bishop published an updated version of his guide and again became the target of criticisms and threats.
“Like the moment when Christ was crucified, He felt fear but despite that remained firm in his conviction to sacrifice himself for humanity, so we should not feel fear” in the face of so many threats, the bishop said in his homily.
“Preaching the Gospel is complicated and difficult, we need to show love to all people: Christ loved all and we should love all—gays, lesbians, prostitutes, even assailants and kidnappers. They are human persons and we should love them, but we cannot accept their vice,” the bishop said. “If they criticize you,” he added, “be firm in your principles, because you proclaim what is good, what is important and what helps others.”
“Let us pray for those who promote abortion, euthanasia, but don’t be fooled. Tell them: I respect you as persons but your actions are evil, they are not of Christ,” the bishop said.
Bishop Olvera went on to explain that when one preaches the doctrine of Christ, “people think you are attacking others; and how they lie, let me tell you,” he said as he pointed to the area where journalists usually sit.
“I have and always will preach the truth,” he continued, “but I have never pointed fingers at any one (politician). For this reason I complain (about journalists) because they blame me for many things that happen. They can do what they want with me, but I will always preach the truth.”
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