Global Vision: Promising Resources From Around the World
Welcome to Global Vision, an on-line resource that connects educators and program planners with the latest, most compelling, international sexuality education, HIV and AIDS prevention, and sexual and reproductive health interventions and practices.
SIECUS has looked at promising practices in sexuality education, reproductive health, and HIV prevention used in countries around the world. We have chosen programs and materials based on their uniqueness, demonstrated success, ability to reach marginalized or at-risk populations, and potential for replication.
This page includes the reviews of the most innovative resources we have discovered. We believe these reviews will help educators and advocates worldwide identify needs of adults and young people they serve, fill gaps in existing programs, and implement sexuality education programs or campaigns that address the needs of their school, community, or region.
Adolescent Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Training Manuals, Levels 1-3
Producer: Government of Cross River State of Nigeria Ministry of Education in partnership with Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) Nigeria
Country/Region: Nigeria/ West Africa
Language: English
Summary: The Girls’ Power Initiative of Nigeria provides a three-year, comprehensive sexuality education program for girls ages 10–18.The program is supported by three age-appropriate training manuals developed to help educators implement an incremental sexuality education program for three (overlapping) age levels ( Level 1:10–12 years, Level 2: 11–15 years, Level 3: 12–16 years and above). The program and training manuals are unique in that they recognize that age is not the sole indicator of a girl’s maturity level. Therefore, girls are individually assessed upon registration and are grouped together in cohorts based on their knowledge, attitudes and beliefs. The program is designed to be implemented once a week with groups of up to 25 girls over a three year time period. The three training manuals provide program facilitators with many different lessons for discussing sexuality, gender rights, and sexual reproductive health issues with girls. The lessons guide facilitators through discussions on gender norms, empowerment, self-image, values, harmful traditional practices, decision-making, and sexuality. They also include guidelines for leading discussions, writing exercises, and participatory activities on sexuality.
For more information: or email,
All Together Now: Community Mobilisation for HIV/AIDS and Tools Together Now
Producer: International HIV/AIDS Alliance Frontiers Prevention Project
Country/Region: Global
Language: English
Date: 2006
Summary: These two resources, which are designed to be used together, walk advocates through the process of mobilizing their community to address HIV prevention, care, and treatment, and include over 100 activities. The Community Mobilisation Guide includes a glossary of key concepts, a list of additional resources, and a comprehensive outline of six stages of community planning and mobilization. Tools Together Now include information and participatory learning activities that facilitators can use in their community.
For more information: DownloadAll Together Now Community Mobilisation:
Download Tools Together Now
Building blocks: Africa-wide Briefing notes: Young Children and HIV
Producer: International HIV/AIDS Alliance
Country/Region: Africa/Global
Language: English
Date: 2006
Summary: This guide for creating and strengthening support for children under 8 years of age who are living with HIV and AIDS, is divided into two sections: one on the social and emotional impact of HIV and AIDS on children and the other on the physical impact.
The guide includes strategies for talking to children about HIV and death, nutritional information, and medicinal information.
For more information:
“Community Conversation” Peer Counselors Field Brochure: A Guide to Conduct Communication Activities to Support Safe Sex Behavior
Producer: The National HIV/STI Control Programme Ministry of Health, Jamaica
Country/Region: Jamaica/ Caribbean
Language: English
Date: 2000
Summary: This colorful and well-thought-out guide prepares future peer educators for conducting community-based safer sexuality education activities using a behavior change communication approach. It provides six activities, an overview of misconceptions and facts about HIV and STIs for individuals ages 15–49, and offers advice on communicating about sexuality and approaching sexual health topics with partners. The guide provides a list of referral and support agencies.
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Community-BasedComprehensive Sexuality Education and Advocacy Programs
Producer: Action Health Incorporated (AHI)
Country/Region: Nigeria, West Africa
Language: English
Date: Ongoing
Summary: Action Health Inc. is a Nigerian-based sexuality education and reproductive health service organization that provides comprehensive sexuality education and youth friendly reproductive health services for young people in Nigeria. Through its community-based education and advocacy programs, AHI promotes and provides sexuality education through many channels, including community-based activities, youth and teacher conferences, advocacy efforts with key agents of change, and trainings for journalists and media representatives on adolescent sexuality and reproductive health. It conducts comprehensive sexuality education using peer educators at youth clubs, in schools, through edutainment dramas, and by serving young people at their state-of-the-art youth center which also houses a youth-friendly health services clinic.
For more information: or email,
Decision-Making Tool for Family Planning Clients and Providers
Producer: World Health Organization (Department of Reproductive Health and Research) and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Country/Region: Global
Language: English. (French and Spanish versions are coming soon. The tool will be eventually translated into 16 languages.)
Date: 2005
Summary: This educational tool is to be used by healthcare providers and sexuality educators to help individuals learn about and choose appropriate and effective methods of contraception. The flip book provides step-by-step instructions for the provider/educator to help consumers make their own decisions based on personal preferences, sexual behavior, and their individual protection and contraception needs. The guide includes information on 14 methods of family planning such as the medical eligibility criteria, side effects, when to start, and how to use each method. Field-tested and found to be effective, the tool is easily adaptable for various regions and communities.
For more information: or email,
Effective Training in Reproductive Health: Course Design and Delivery
Producer: Ipas
Country/Region: Global
Language: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian
Date: 2003
Summary: This thorough reproductive and sexual health training manual walks trainers and facilitators through the basic steps of effective training from how to select good training sites through adult learning theory. This guide identifies various ways of effectively communicating with different adult learning styles. The material also emphasizes culturally sensitive, non-judgmental, factually correct, and positive methods of communicating lessons on condom use, sexual violence, and abortion counseling, among other sexual health topics.
For more information:
Empowering Young Women to Lead Change
Producer: UNFPA and World YWCA
Country/Region: Global
Language: English, Spanish, French
Date: 2006
Summary: Designed by and for young women and field-tested globally, this training manual provides young women with the tools and guidance for leading empowering and educational activities among peer groups. Through guided and participatory activities, the manual helps women gain insight into issues such as HIV and AIDS, human rights, self-esteem and body image, sexual and reproductive health, and gender-based violence, and to conceptualize personal responses to these issues. The manual is designed with the intent that young women, rather than “expert facilitators,” will lead, train, and mobilize their peers.
For more information: or email request to or:
Family Life Education: Teaching Adults to Communicate with Youth From a Muslim Perspective
Producer: USAID, Family Health International, YouthNet
Country/Region: Tanzania/Global (Muslim Communities Around the World)
Language: English
Date: 2007
Summary: This culturally sensitive manual, which includes six workshops for adult and youth participants, aims to address sexual health and life skills issues in an Islamic context. Topics are approached through or in tandem with Qur’anic texts and hadith. The manual prepares workshop facilitators for effectively communicating with youth on reproductive health information, including sexual development, HIV/AIDS, STIs, pregnancy, family planning, and gender roles. It also includes guidelines for role-playing and discussion games.
For more information: or email,
FESADE: Program for the Sexual Education of Adolescents (Programme d’education à la sexualité des adolescents et adolescentes)
Producer: FESADE in collaboration with the International Women’s Health Coalition
Country/Region: Cameroon/Francophone West Africa
Language: French
Date: 2006
Summary: This sexuality education curriculum, which is comprised of 21 modules and a guide, provides young people with information about their sexual and reproductive health and rights. This sexuality education program was implemented by the NGOFemmes-Santé-Development (FESADE) in Cameroon, West Africa to address numerous problems that affect an adolescent’s sexual health, includingunintended pregnancy and HIV/AIDS.The program and accompanying comprehensive sexuality education manual teaches about communication and decision-making, discusses what being in a respectful rights-based relationship means, and promotes positive sexuality. Activities are designed to help adolescents build self-esteem, teach them about their bodies, and help them protect themselves from HIV infection. The curriculum is designed so schools, communities, and government leaders can help parents discuss sexuality issues with their children.It emphasizes instilling a positive sexual identity and good decision-making through accurate information and critical thinking. The goal is to help adolescents make informed choices based on their own values. Each of the 21 modules focuses on different aspects of sexual health and identity; themes covered include reproductive anatomy, puberty, reproduction, contraception, STIs and HIV/AIDS, drug use, sexual violence, commercial sexual exploitation, sexual expression, self-affirmation, gender roles, communication in relationships, and relationships.
For more information:
Gender or Sex: Who Cares?
Producer: Ipas and Health and Development Networks (HDN)
Country/Region: Global
Language: English
Date: 2001
Summary: This set includes curriculum cards, overheard transparencies, handouts, and a facilitator manual. This uniquely and attractively packaged curriculum, takes a gender sensitive approach to sexual and reproductive health (SRH), and strives to clarify the distinction between “sex” and “gender” and to recognize gender stereotypes. It includes role-playing, discussions, and participatory exercises that help participants consider the effects of gender stereotypes on violence, SRH, and daily life.
For more information:, or telephone 919.960.6453.
Good Lovers: A New Concept of Sex Education
Producer: Sensoa (developed by a Belgian-Flemish organization)
Country/Region: Belgian/Flemish/Global
Language: English
Date: 2000
Summary: This sex-positive sexuality education manual is recommended for those working with youth, and attempts to put forth a realistic concept of adolescent sexuality. It condemns using a moralistic approach when working with young people; rejects gender stereotypes; and supports the right of young people to make their own decisions about sex, to express and enjoy themselves sexually, to feel safe, and to access accurate information about sexuality, contraception, and protection. The publication argues that parents, peers, schools, media, and other experts all play complementary roles in teaching young people about sexuality in a meaningful way. The manual covers a range of sexuality issues and is comprehensive in its approach.
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Guide to Participatory Production of Resources for HIV Prevention Among Vulnerable Populations
Producer: International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Asia Pacific Network of Sex Work Projects
Country/Region: Global (Asia Pacific)
Language: English
Date: 2005
Summary: This document is an introductory guide to producing Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials for use in HIV-prevention and care programs with “key populations” (e.g. men who have sex with men, injecting drug users, people living with HIV/AIDS, and sex workers). This guide provides a basic seven-step approach to developing and disseminating information, education, and communication materials in targeted at-risk communities.
For more information:
Happy, Healthy and Safe Sexuality and Life Skills Project and Our Future: Sexuality and Life Skills Education for Young People
Producer: International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Zambia Ministry of Education, Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia, Family Health Trust Zambia
Country/Region: Zambia/Southern and EasternAfrica
Language: English
Date: 2006
Summary: Planned Parenthood of Zambia and Family Health Trust Zambia implemented Happy, Healthy and Safe Sexuality and Life Skills Project in grades four through nine in 14 Zambian schools. The process began with a sexuality, gender, and HIV awareness workshop for teachers to allow them to explore their knowledge and values and improve their comfort in talking about sexuality issues with students. As part of the project, the organizations produced three Our Future student textbooks tailored for students in grades four and five, six and seven, and eight and nine. Students contributed their questions, stories, problem letters and pictures to the textbooks. The result is richly illustrated textbooks with games, role-playing activities, classroom discussions, and colorful handouts/written activities that are intended to facilitate self-reflection and dialogue on children’s rights, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, gender roles, life skills, and decision-making. The activities and handouts encourage behavior change communication by requiring students to respond verbally and in writing to different scenarios and to speak to older siblings, friends, and adults.
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HIV/AIDS Training Manual for Peer Education
Producer: The National HIV/STI Control Programme, Jamaica Ministry of Health
County/Region: Jamaica/Caribbean
Language: English
Date: Not Indicated
Summary: This 10-module manual provides facilitators in the Caribbean with timed lesson plans and handouts for group activities on HIV/AIDS and STI prevention, sexuality, and other sexual reproductive health topics. It includes guidelines for ensuring participatory learning. For example, one module includes role-play activities for teaching correct condom use and condom negotiation skills. The guide also aims to counter myths about HIV/AIDS and STI and to foster understanding about sexual expression and sexuality. Equally important, it addresses understanding differences about sexual beliefs and includes role plays about same-sex partners, early sexual involvement, multiple partners, and sexual infidelity. The guide encourages participants to assess their feelings and build upon their life skills for their sexual health.
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Innovative Community-based Distribution of Female Condoms Initiative
Producer: Population Services International (PSI)
Country/Region: Zimbabwe
Language: English
Date: Ongoing
Summary: This social marketing campaign is aimed at fostering an environment supportive of women’s use of female condoms. Research has demonstrated that interpersonal communication strategies are the most effective way of promoting use, and that women are more likely to buy female condoms when the product is available in reliable, discreet, and female-friendly outlets. Therefore, as part of this campaign, PSI trained hairdressers to provide facts about HIV/AIDS, demonstrate proper condom use, and sell condoms to their customers. Many women in Zimbabwe visit hair salons on a regular basis, and salons offers a unique setting for women to touch and feel the product and discuss sensitive issues surrounding condom use. To date, PSI has trained over 1,000 hairdressers at over 820 salons and is expanding the initiative to male barbers. A study funded by the Department of International Development in the UK revealed that women who had seen a female condom demonstration by a hairdresser were 2.5 times more likely to use the product than those who had not. In 2006, hair salon distribution accounted for over 5 percent of the 1.4 million female condoms sold in Zimbabwe, and Zimbabwe now has the highest sales of female condoms per capita in the world.
For more information:
It’s My Life: a Guide for Men about HIV and AIDS; It’s My Life: a Guide for Women about HIV and AIDS; Living Positively: a Guide About HIV and AIDS; and Understanding HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections
Producer: International Aids Alliance in the Caribbean
Country/Region: Caribbean
Language: English
Date: 2006
Summary: Using clear text and anecdotal dialogue (in Caribbean Patois/Creole), these brightly illustrated booklets explain HIV/AIDS, including modes of transmission, prevention m
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