Brazilian Pro-Family Activist Flees Country to Avoid Prosecution for
Julio Severo, Defend the Family
Julio Severo away from Brazil
Open letter to the friends of Blog Julio Severo
Dear Friends,
I have arrived at a new place, being now away from Brazil and away from friends. It was not an easy decision. In fact, it was the only alternative.
Because of a 2006 complaint from the Associação da Parada do Orgulho Gay de São Paulo (Gay Pride Parade Association of São Paulo), federal prosecutors have been looking for my location. The complaint is “homophobia”.
Actually, there is no anti-“homophobia” law in Brazil. Even so, federal prosecutors have recently summoned one of my friends to reveal my location. My friend tried, with the assistance of a Jewish attorney, to say that he is not the responsible for the contents of my blog.
However, federal prosecutors did not accept his defense, and kept pressing him with the only objective to get information my location.
Therefore, before this nonsense, I was forced to leave Brazil with my family: a pregnant wife and two little children. We are right now in a completely strange place for us. What choice did we have?
Beside the complaint from the Associação da Parada do Orgulho Gay, other homosexual groups and individuals also filed charges in the office of federal prosecutors against my blog because of “homophobia”.
Leaving Brazil, we hope to relieve the pressures from officials on innocent friends.
I wanted to record here publicly the names of everyone that helped to make possible this hard move to another country, but I do not dare to do it, conscious that federal prosecutors did not spare even an innocent friend of mine. I will only reveal that the great Brazilian philosopher Olavo de Carvalho collaborated a lot. If federal prosecutors want to prosecute him, his location is in the US.
If they want to continue with their absurd actions against me for “homophobia”, I warn that I am no longer in Brazil. Leave my friends alone.
Yet, I give another warning. I will not be silent. The voice God gave me will continue being used to warn Brazil, whether I am in India, Kenya, Nicaragua or any other nation in the world.
To serve God and speak truth involves a high cost. I pray that God may give each one of the readers of my blog the courage to pay this cost.
I invite you also to help so that my voice will not be silent. From this place of exile, in a completely strange place for us, I want to keep warning Brazil. I left Brazil physically, but not in spirit.
If you are able to collaborate with me and my family, please pray and also send your contributions, because this is a time of need for us. If God touches your heart to be a regular collaborator, accept God’s challenge.
You can make your contribution through PayPal in this link: We arrived at the airport and we had the grateful surprise to see a minister that travelled by plane from another city only to welcome us. God touched him to welcome us. Only he was there, but this was a great blessing, because we know nothing here! Today, while we were taking our breakfast, a TV set was on, and the first TV show we watched in this language was addressing sexual options and gay “marriage”. In this same night, I had a dream where I saw the gay agenda obsession coming to take this country where we are. This was my first dream in this country.
Yet, we are pilgrims of God, and our citizenship is from the Kingdom of God. We are under the authority of the King of the Universe.
One day Brazilian president Lula, whose administration today summons the innocent for “crime” of “homophobia”, will be forced to be before the Highest Judge, where his condemnation is certain. May Lula not laugh of my situation, because his time and the time of his master are coming near.
I need your support and cooperation in this time.
Julio Severo
Portuguese version of this message: Julio Severo fora do Brasil
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