General Articles

ACT NOW — National Call-In Day to Support HIV/AIDS Programs Friday, July 15


Dear Advocates:
Tell your Senators and President Obama that cutting programs vital to people with HIV/AIDS is no way to reduce the deficit!

Congressional negotiations to reduce the federal deficit are still stuck, putting at risk critical services upon which millions of Americans rely, including persons living with HIV/AIDS. The Ryan White Program, Medicaid, Medicare, housing, prevention and other programs that make up the safety net for vulnerable Americans with HIV/AIDS and the NIH-supported research that holds the keys to ending the pandemic are all on the line. Congress and the White House are negotiating now to reduce the deficit and set new spending limitsCongress is scheduled to vote on this isssue soon, so we need to exert pressure now!

Please call your Senators and President Obama and tell them to prevent harmful cuts and caps to health care and low-income programs, including those that impact persons with HIV/AIDS, in negotiations to reduce the deficit. Please help make these critical calls today!
  • For Senators, please call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.



Please call the offices listed above with this message: I am calling to ask my Senator/President Obama to prevent harmful cuts and caps to health care, research, and low-income programs, including those that impact persons living with HIV/AIDS, such as the Ryan White Program, Medicaid, Medicare, housing, and prevention programs!
  • Balancing the budget on the backs of vulnerable Americans, including those living with HIV, is wrong, will potentially cost lives, and will cut jobs in the health care and human needs sectors.
  • Early and reliable access to HIV care, treatment, and support helps people with HIV live healthy and productive lives and is cost effective.  Investing in HIV prevention today translates into better health and less spending in the future.



If you have questions, please contact (202) 265-2405.
Jen Heitel Yakush
Director of Public Policy
This alert is being sent by the AIDS Budget and Appropriations Coalition (ABAC), a working group of the Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP), a coalition of over one hundred national and community-based HIV/AIDS and public health organizations that represent people living with HIV/AIDS, HIV medical provider and researchers, and advocates, as well as community organizations that provide critical HIV related health care and support services. ABAC advocates for increased resources for domestic HIV/AIDS programs across the federal government.



  • In my state/district, such programs are greatly needed, because (insert local details or tell personal story).


  • For President Barack Obama, please call 202-456-1111. (Please note that it may take a few minutes to be connected to a live operator with whom you can leave a message.  These calls MUST be placed before 5:00PM EST – the White House comment line closes for the day at that time.)