2012 Election Results Highlights
2012 Election Results Highlights
Winning both the Electoral College vote by a margin of 332 to 206, as well as the popular vote by 50.5% to 47.9%, Barack Obama will be inaugurated as the 44th President of the United States on January 21, 2013.
Majority control of the two congressional chambers remains the same: a Democratic caucus majority in the Senate (55 to 45) and a Republican majority (currently 234 to 194) in the House of Representatives. The Senate Democratic caucus gains two members for the next Congress, while the party division in the House will be roughly the same as the 112th Congress, with 234 Republicans and 194 Democrats (seven seats still to be determined) compared to 242 Republicans and 193 Democrats currently serving through the end of the 112th Congress.
Of particular note is the record number of women elected to the Senate, now comprising roughly one-fifth of the chamber. Additionally, multiple state ballot measures affirming same-sex marriage and protecting access to sexual health were successfully passed.
Further analysis of the 2012 election results will be provided in SIECUS’ November Policy Updates. For questions or additional information, please contact Jesseca Boyer at jboyer@siecus.orgor 202-265-2405 x 331.
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